Monday, July 16, 2007

Bike Day

Wow, didn't know I had it in me.... :D Okay, so I get a text message from a friend of mine up here in Victoria, Sabrina, who asked me if I wanted to prerun her olympic distance bike run with her... And if you know me, I'm always up for a challenge, then came the truth... it was a 24+ mile ride (40 km for you Canadians...) I've never riden this bike further than what I planned to race at the Federal Escape, but I figured, fuck it, I'll give it a try. Okay, so grab the bike, head out to Hamsterly Beach, to meet up with Sabrina. Well, surprisingly I made it, actually didn't do half bad! Today I set a PR for myself, I was aiming for 40mph, and got really close, 39.8mph but I had topped out my gears, and didn't have anything more to push out. I need to look further at my casette on my rear wheel, I have 7 gears, and the highest is 13, with a 53 on the front, but I'm topping out coming down hills. hmmmm Time to upgrade. Well, let's see, quick rundown on the ride, 24.56 miles in 1hr 33min. Average speed of 15.7mph on a relatively hilly route. I'm very happy with this result, especially since I just got my bike a month ago, and I've put 116 miles on it so far. Well, thanks to Sabrina I've found out another thing that I can do, and I might have to start looking at Olympic distance races, my run time is adequate, with 7.25 miles in 57min 15sec, I think I might be able to do the Olympic distance. :D Well, enough for now, but I'm very, very happy.

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