Friday, July 13, 2007

I think my Polar is broken... nope...

Okay, maybe I'm just not paying attention, but I believe when your polar isn't reading your HR properly, it maybe because you're pushing a leeeettteeel bit too hard.... And I thought it was broken... Jeeeez, dum me. ;) Okay, well here's the low down, 4.24 miles today with some seriously pain in the ass hills, time was 35.17 so that gives me a 8 minute 19second/mile. I'm good with that. Not my flat ground speed, but given the hills and the heat, I'm okay with that. :D Oh, here's the course...

1 comment:

Slacka5000 said...

You are the fastest man aliiiiiive!!! (P.S. As soon as I have all my vaccinations, I will swim 5-Mile Lake and let you know how woosie it is, ok?;)