Friday, June 8, 2007


Good day, I'm happy.... :D I was swimming at the pool and ran into 3 other people who were training for various triathlons. It's kinda cool, you know, all of a sudden you've met up with other people who are experiencing the same kind of misery that you are, and you've all got the same goals. I was happily swimming my 50 yard laps, and next to me are two swimmers, that are making it look easy, okay, I hate them, I really hate them... Then I look over, and one of their water bottles says "Ironman" ugh, oh, great, it's the competition... Well, friendly me, I strike up a conversation, apparently they just got back from SD running a marathon, and they're training up for the half ironman in a couple of weeks. Cool! Then another guy who's eves dropping I find out that he's training for the Seafair Triathlon. Who knew so many triathletes trained at 24 hour fitness downtown seattle, huh? Anyway, my back is pretty tight from all the boxing yesterday, and I started my workout with a chest/weights workout, so here's the times today, in surf shorts.
50 yards 1min 4sec
50 yards 1min 4sec
50 yards 1min 3sec
50 yards 1min 2sec
50 yards 54sec
50 yards 56sec
50 yards 1min 1sec
50 yards 54sec
Tomorrow is off day, and just weight training for my arms.

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