Tuesday, June 12, 2007

HATE IT, Hate It, hate it....

Okay, today just isn't my day.... I went swimming today, now I didn't do anything else because I pushed myself pretty hard the last couple of days, and frankly, my legs ache... So, I figure, I'll get a good pool workout in, right? WRONG!!! Today was the first day in what I'm going to wear in the swim, and I wasn't happy. Oh, btw, I picked up a pair of Nike square cut swim trunks. Anyway, my times on the 50 yard were 53-55 seconds, okay, not what I was looking for with the reduced drag... My 100 yard times were even worse 2min 10sec - 2min 15sec.... Ugh, what do I have to do here? Swam about 700 yards in 50 and 100 yard segments, but wasn't happy. Well, I did learn a couple of things today;
1. Rest: I've been lacking on this big time, both in recuperation time, and in actual sleep time, today it caught up with me.
2. Alcohol: Not good for training, I went out Sunday night with a friend of mine, and drank too much, Monday was a wicked hangover, and I powered through a bike ride, but today it caught up to me.
3. Food: I've been slacking here, in preparing for my trip, I haven't had the time to make sure that I'm getting enough food, eating maybe one a day or so, combine that with little sleep, I had no energy
4. Water: I've been slacking here too, I'll grab a diet coke on the way out the door, instead of water, my body isn't happy.
5. Breath: Okay, this is a positive, I've moved from the breath every other stroke (breathing on every right stroke) to every third stroke (alternating left and right) this feels more natural for me, and helps me keep my head down, yay, we had a positive today (yes, WE, me and the other voices in my head...)!!!

Okay, well, I guess the first stage of fixing the problem is to recognize the problem, okay, check.... But I knew better, well in the words of Baby Powder, "I need to slap my damn self." Tomorrow I'll probably do a short easy run, and I'll be updating the blog from my hotel room...

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